Past Perfect Tense: Unlocking the Mysteries of Indonesian Grammar

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Welcome, fellow language enthusiasts, to a deep dive into the intriguing world of Indonesian grammar! Today, we embark on a journey to explore the depths of the past perfect tense – a vital aspect of the Indonesian language that adds a rich layer of meaning to our conversations and narratives. Let’s sail through this linguistic realm together and unlock the secrets of the past perfect tense.

What Is the Past Perfect Tense?

Before we dive deeper, let’s refresh our memory on verb tenses. The past perfect tense, or “bentuk lampau sempurna” in Indonesian, is used to describe an action that happened before another action in the past. It allows us to express a sense of completion or continuity in relation to a specific point in the past.

Imagine this: you are telling a captivating story about your vacation to a friend. You want to emphasize that you had already visited a famous landmark before you encountered the unexpected adventure. In such a scenario, the past perfect tense is your linguistic tool of choice!

Forming the Past Perfect Tense

To form the past perfect tense in Indonesian, we combine the auxiliary verb “telah” (meaning “have”) with the past participle form of the main verb. Together, they create the foundation for sentences that convey actions that were completed before a specific point in the past.

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Let’s take a look at an example to grasp the concept better:

  1. Saya telah makan sebelum pertunjukan.

In this sentence, “telah” serves as the auxiliary verb in the past perfect tense, indicating that the action of eating had already taken place before the performance.

Adding Emphasis with the Past Perfect Tense

One fascinating aspect of the past perfect tense is its ability to emphasize the completion of an action. By using this tense, we bring attention to the fact that an action has been done and dusted, displaying a clear chronological order of events.

Let’s expand on our previous example:

  1. Saya telah makan sebelum pertunjukan dimulai.
  2. Saya telah melanjutkan perjalanan setelah makan.

In these sentences, the use of the past perfect tense “telah” highlights the completion of eating before the show and continuing the journey after the meal.

Usage of the Past Perfect Tense

Now that we understand the formation and emphasis of the past perfect tense, let’s explore some common situations where it is utilized in Indonesian:

1. Describing Prior Actions

The past perfect tense enables us to express actions that occurred before a specific point in the past. This is especially useful when narrating personal experiences or unfolding a series of events.


  1. Saya telah membaca buku itu sebelum kamu datang.

In this sentence, the past perfect tense “telah” emphasizes that the action of reading had already occurred before your arrival.

2. Sharing Historical Events

When recounting historical events or discussing the sequence of past occurrences, the past perfect tense helps us convey a clear timeline of events.

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  1. Presiden telah berpidato sebelum terjadi kerusuhan.

Here, the past perfect tense “telah” highlights that the president’s speech occurred before the outbreak of riots.

3. Expressing Missed Opportunities

The past perfect tense can also be used to express regret or missed opportunities by highlighting actions that could have been completed before a particular event.


  1. Andi telah membeli tiket sebelum konser tersebut terjual habis.

In this sentence, the past perfect tense “telah” emphasizes that Andi bought the ticket before the concert sold out, indicating a missed opportunity for those who didn’t act swiftly.


Congratulations! We have successfully explored the captivating realm of the past perfect tense in Indonesian. Armed with this invaluable knowledge, you can now add an extra layer of depth and precision to your conversations and storytelling in Indonesian. Remember to utilize the past perfect tense when emphasizing the completion of actions that occurred before specific events, and watch your language skills flourish!

So, let’s embark on an Indonesian language adventure, one verb tense at a time. Happy learning!

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About the Author: Sonya Paramitha